The Beehive

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Anger Directed at Total Strangers

Ok, in the interest of taking a break from dealing with the heavy stuff (my parents) I just have to get this off my chest.
Yesterday I took baby C to our neighborhood playground up the street. As always, I brought a few snacks, a diaper and, most importantly, sand toys for the giant sandbox. On the way out the door I grabbed C's new sippy cup. He is recovering from a cold, so I mixed him some apple juice + water combo which I know he'll drink. I was sitting on the bench watching C climb the playstructure and minding my own business when a large middle aged man posing as a dad tries to strike up a conversation with me.

Man(to baby C): "Hello there, little girl. You sure got some pretty eyes"
Man(to me): "She's a girl, right?"
Me: "Nope. Boy."
Man: "Well, I could have sworn she was a girl. Is she 2 years?"
Me (starting to feel a little uncomfortable with the line of questioning); "He's 12 months"
Man: "Right, right, a boy. Sorry. What's that he drinking?"
Me: "It's diluted apple juice"
Man: "You know that's bad for their teeth. Where we live, in Tiawan, kids don't have any sugar. They don't even know what it is. See my daughter ova there? (he gestures to a small quiet girl digging in the sand) She's never had any juice. We stick with water and milk ONLY. Also, she eats a strict vegetarian diet and she's as strong as any American girl. She just went to the dentist and he told us, everything was perfect with her teeth. Ya know why? No SUGAR."
Me: "Well, okay then. Have a nice day."

Harumphhh! What was that all about? Is he trying to start some sort of contest as to who is the better parent? I don't even KNOW this person! Why should I have to apologize or even explain myself or the choice of beverages I am providing for my child. This is the kind of person who would give me dirty looks and maybe a lecture for feeding my baby formula. If he knew that my children sometimes eat turkey he would really let me have it. Why do some people feel the need to inflict their agenda on others? Did I ask for his opinion? It's not as if I'm feeding my child dogshit. Even in my 12 years as a strict vegetarian (another lifetime ago) I never preached to anyone.

My message to all the self-righteous, competitive parents out there: Keep your f*ing opinions to yourself. Next time I'm telling anyone who asks that I'm feeding my child bourbon, straight up and that we are teaching him to smoke cigars.

Thanks for listening.


Blogger Liz said...

EXCELLENT! I am going to all the brittle, anorexic, competitive moms I encounter in my oh-so perfect area that my kids eat a strict diet of dog shit chased by bourbon and a teaspoon of sugar everyday.
I'll have to share my competitive, way too thin, mom's exercise regime woes! Like talk about that they are 98 pound wet but my tummy is just soooo flabby and i need to really lose weight- I hate them all. They are so messed up.

11:59 AM  

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