Great Moments in Parenting
In the car ride back from our outing this afternoon in the East Bay, C starting screaming out of the blue. I turned my head around in time to catch him projectile vomiting all over the back of the seat, himself and everything else within a 6" radius.
He narrowly missed his disgusted sister: "Ew, buddy, you stink!" Poor little guy. Who knew?
Naturally we were stuck in bridge traffic on the 80 so it wasn't like we could pull over. I had to laugh.
Poor C, he has had a rough time of it lately. He's been clinging to me like a barnacle for the past 3 days and has not let me out of his sight...gets upset if I so much as take a bathroom break. This morning he begged me for scrambled eggs. When I delivered them, he cried and screamed and threw them on the floor. For the first time in my parental life, I turned him over my knee and swatted him several times on his well-padded bottom. (yes, I spanked him--shudder, shudder) I was mad and frustrated. I'm convinced that it did not actually hurt him, just startled him. No, I'm not proud of my actions. Had I known he was actually sick and not just being impossibly difficult, perhaps I'd have had more sympathy for his situation.
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