If You're Happy and You Know it..
For the first time in about a year I am feeling really, really happy.
I am attributing this rush of good feelings to the fact that C has started at the toddler co-op this week.
I have to admit, I was pretty cynical about the place from the beginning (probably owing to the fact that we applied with M when she was 14mo and then again at 22mo and she NEVER got in. She made it into the waiting pool, but never was offered a spot) Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had a complete meltdown both times we visited or their claim that there were just "too many girls", etc. (Which I thought was a load of BS) Anyway, it's now three years later and we're back.
It's a different group of parents (less hippy-dippy than before) and C and I are both loving it. He even napped there on his second day. My first day we took the kids on a field trip to the Exploratorium, I pushed the Amish cart with 6 kids in it, made lunch for 8 people and wiped butts belonging to strangers' kids. Hard work, yes, but totally fun. C finally seems to have an outlet for his energy and a chance to socialize with new people. We are so intrinsically connected, he and I. When he's happy, all seems right with my world.
Now, to just get Miss M to stop pooping in her pants (STILL!) and we'll be golden.