The Beehive

Thursday, February 22, 2007

If You're Happy and You Know it..

For the first time in about a year I am feeling really, really happy.

I am attributing this rush of good feelings to the fact that C has started at the toddler co-op this week.

I have to admit, I was pretty cynical about the place from the beginning (probably owing to the fact that we applied with M when she was 14mo and then again at 22mo and she NEVER got in. She made it into the waiting pool, but never was offered a spot) Maybe it had to do with the fact that she had a complete meltdown both times we visited or their claim that there were just "too many girls", etc. (Which I thought was a load of BS) Anyway, it's now three years later and we're back.
It's a different group of parents (less hippy-dippy than before) and C and I are both loving it. He even napped there on his second day. My first day we took the kids on a field trip to the Exploratorium, I pushed the Amish cart with 6 kids in it, made lunch for 8 people and wiped butts belonging to strangers' kids. Hard work, yes, but totally fun. C finally seems to have an outlet for his energy and a chance to socialize with new people. We are so intrinsically connected, he and I. When he's happy, all seems right with my world.

Now, to just get Miss M to stop pooping in her pants (STILL!) and we'll be golden.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

M's Wedding Day

For those of you who were shocked by the graphic contents of my last post, I offer something a little more wholesome:
This is a photo of M's first marriage to a boy we shall refer to as "Murdock". Murdock came over after dinner recently so his parents could attend a ballroom dancing class. In the short span of 35 minutes, Miss M and Murdock both donned formalware (dresses and boas) and announced that they had gotten married. Although there were no formal vows nor exchange of rings, I feel pretty certain that the ceremony involved some popular key wedding reception elements including singing, hand holding, dancing and mass consumption of hot chocolate and veggie booty.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Mating Game

There have been some interesting developments lately at the Beehive.
This was overheard in the car after a playdate:

Q: "When we grow up, I am going to marry you"
M: "Then, we can have a baby"
Q: "I have a penis and you have a big hole"
M: "Ok, but first, your penis needs to get bigger"
Q: "...and be covered in hair"
M: "My BUTT is covered in hair" he he heee hee hee (giggling from the back seat)

I bought M 2 books on the facts of life: "Where do I Come From" by Peter Mayle (circa 1970) and, (much easier to read without turning purple) "Mommy Laid an Egg" by Babette Cole. M was fascinated. I realized that in order to be able to read either of these books to her I had to do a little bit of creative editing. In other words, though I think it's important for her to understand how the egg and sperm meet and create life, however, I'm not quite ready for her to learn about "the funny little tickle that feels like a sneeze when mommy and daddy make love" (Peter Mayle's book) etc.
So I glossed over the parts about sex and focused on the parts about conception. I think when she's a little older I'll be better able to tackle that one. For now, she seems satisfied learning about the "great egg race" (Babette Cole's book) inside mommy's body.